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- 25 VIC silks appointed out of 90 applicants
25 VIC silks appointed out of 90 applicants
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria Anne Ferguson yesterday announced the appointment of 25 new Senior Counsel

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Announcement of Senior Counsel for Victoria 2024 | The Supreme Court of Victoria - 25 appointments out of 90 applicants (64 men and 26 women)
Key figure in Lawyer X aftermath among 25 new Victorian silks [AFR paywall]
The list of 17 men and eight women was announced by Victoria’s Chief Justice on Thursday.
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Judges lashed over ‘improper’ rape grillings [The Australian paywall]
Former High Court justice Virginia Bell has criticised judges who allow inappropriate defence questioning of rape complainants, out of fear that an intervention from the bench may give rise to an appeal.
Dramatic raids launched on Bruce Lehrmann’s media minder by NACC | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
Editor’s picks
Results of applications for special leave to appeal determined yesterday - 3 grants of special leave and one referal to Full Court for hearing as on appeal.
STEWARD J: Measured against what, though? I mean for example what if they had given your client a smartphone and told him to carry that around and have the Find My iPhone app on it; the same thing I do with my 19‑year‑old daughter and require her to keep it charged up?
MR LENEHAN: Your Honour, some of the Americans cases have dealt with those kinds of infringings on ‑ ‑ ‑
STEWARD J: But is that a crossing of the line, in my example?
MR LENEHAN: I, of course, am putting both bodily integrity and privacy, so, in your Honour’s example, you are not requiring your daughter to strap the phone to her person ‑ ‑ ‑
STEWARD J: If I needed to, I might.
William and Lonsdale - Lives in the Law: Julian McMahon AC SC (2022) on Apple Podcasts
This week, we revisit our 2022 conversation with Julian McMahon AC SC. Julian is a barrister at the Victorian Bar who came to international prominence representing Australians on death row. In the early 2000s, Julian defended Van Nguyen in Singapore and later Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, part of the infamous Bali 9, against drug charges that ultimately led to their deaths. He is highly regarded for having navigated long and complex trials in areas such as homicide, terrorism, corruption and fraud but despite all these accomplishments he insists luck has had a big part to play in his Life in the Law.
The Callover: Young Migration Lawyer Making a Difference, with Palwasha Nawabi on Apple Podcasts
Palwasha Nawabi is part of a generation of young lawyers seeking to make a positive impact on society. In 2023, Palwasha was awarded the Law Council of Australia – Australian Young Lawyers Award in recognition of her significant achievement in leading the operational and administrative aspect of a pro bono initiative which resulted in the successful procurement of 90 subclass 449 visas for many Afghan women and their families and permanent residence visas for those who chose to settle in Australia.
Lawyer fees for class action against BHP top $680 million [AFR paywall]
BHP’s portion of the costs for the 22-week trial are forecast to be about £108 million, according to documents filed with Britain’s High Court.
"GORDON J: I think I am getting older and less able to hear.
MR LENEHAN: Your Honours are so far away.
GORDON J: We are so far away.": classic.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/H…
— Jeremy Gans (@jeremy_gans)
8:49 AM • Aug 8, 2024
Day 3 of this (yooge) case.
(13 silks, 9 juniors.)
— Jeremy Gans (@jeremy_gans)
7:08 AM • Aug 8, 2024
Judgments in Productivity Partners v ACCC; Wills v ACCC; CBI Constructors v Chevron Australia; BQ v. The King; and Steven Moore (a pseudonym) v The King will be delivered at 10am ACST on Wednesday 14 August 2024
— High Court of Australia (@HighCourtofAus)
4:47 AM • Aug 8, 2024
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