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- Clive Palmer backed class action
Clive Palmer backed class action
Police officers launch class action over COVID-19 vaccine mandates, details of complaint made by Penelope Wass DCJ revealed, Law Council argues NT laws inconsistent with Australia’s international human rights obligations

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Daily wrap
The law at war: Her Honour vs Director of Public Prosecutions [The Australian paywall]
The growing rift between the NSW judiciary and the state’s top prosecutor has been dramatically laid bare with a senior judge alleging Sally Dowling tried to ‘exert influence’ over the judiciary and engaged in ‘ethically questionable’ behaviour.
Exhausted DPP staff stressed and burnt out [The Australian paywall]
Less than half of the NSW prosecution office feels favourably towards the senior executive team, an all-staff survey has revealed, as hundreds of staff indicate they are subject to unmanageable stress.
Roundabout design key to class action by Hunter Valley bus crash victims - ABC News
Multimillion-dollar Balmain properties at centre of inheritance lawsuit [SMH paywall]
The family patriarch wanted to leave properties to three of his children. A judge found his widow deserved more.
NT prison guards consider industrial action over record high prisoner numbers
The Northern Territory government says it is urgently working to address the 'extraordinary risks' posed by record prison overcrowding. But the union representing prison guards fears it won't be enough to improve conditions.
Families outraged by 'disgraceful' NSW police decision to ignore coroner's advice - ABC News
Editor’s picks
Bruce Lehrmann set to haunt the headlines a whole lot longer
An hour with David McBride inside his ‘tough’ Canberra prison | Australian military | The Guardian
Freedom from information - perpetuating government secrecy - Anne Twomey - YouTube
This video discusses two examples of the current Australian federal government's attempts to prevent access to government documents under freedom of information, unnecessarily perpetuating government secrecy.
The first example concerns the appeal in the Patrick case (Attorney-General (Cth) v Patrick [2024] FCAFC 126). The second example is an application for access to correspondence between Prime Ministers and the former Queen, which was rejected upon the basis that it would damage Australia's international relations by raising concerns that Australia is unable to protect confidential information.
How the Human Rights Commission went to war with itself [The Age paywall]
The Australian Human Rights Commission has been under siege from within and without as it struggles to take a neutral stance on the conflict in Gaza.
2024 Phillipa Weeks Lecture: The de-collectivisation of representation in collective bargaining - Professor Shae McCrystal - YouTube
This public lecture explores the gradual de-collectivisation of representation in collective bargaining, beginning with, in 1993, the introduction of ‘Employee Flexibility Agreements’ (the first non-union collective agreements), moving through to the enshrining of individual representation in the FW Act. The lecture explores how this shift has denuded worker collective power by removing any obligation on workers to resolve their differences collectively in order to present a united front in collective negotiations, and increased the power of employers by effectively handing them control in agreement-making and bargaining. Furthermore, the shift has left employers to undertake the role of mediating between differing or conflicting employee claims – a role that in almost all other collective bargaining systems internationally is played by unions. Professor Weeks warned us in 1995 that elevating individual rights over collective rights would be to the detriment of employee power in bargaining.
What Has Taxonomy Ever Done for Us? UNCITRAL’s 2023 “Taxonomy of Legal Issues Related to the Digital Economy” - Justice Jackman (FCA)
Steno To Offer Lawyers GenAI Transcript Analysis – Artificial Lawyer
NSW Police Are Strip Searching Around 100 Civilians at Public Train Stations Annually
“We are of the view that the majority of strip searches are unlawful and continue to be unlawful because police are not meeting the very high legal threshold to conduct a strip search,” Lee told Sydney Criminal Lawyers earlier this month in relation to the “seriousness and urgency” requirement.
Four FCA livestreams tomorrow - available here:
AUSTRALASIAN CENTRE FOR CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY v SANTOS LIMITED - Justice Markovic will commence a hearing in this matter Monday, 28 October 2024 at 10:15am AEDT.
ASIC v BRITE ADVISORS PL - Justice O'Sullivan will conduct a case management hearing in this matter Monday, 28 October 2024 at 11:30am ASDT.
Boorroola Moorrool Moorrool & WAD33/2019 Warrwa - Justice O'Bryan will conduct a hearing in these matters Monday, 28 October 2024 at 10:15am AWST.
ENERGY RESOURCES OF AUSTRALIA LTD v MINISTER FOR RESOURCES AND FOR NORTHERN AUSTRALIA - Justice Kennett will conduct a hearing in this matter Monday, 28 October 2024 at 10:15am ADST.
On Tuesday 22 October the Supreme Court of Victoria held a ceremonial sitting honouring First Nations people. A recording is now available to view bit.ly/40iMlK9#auslaw
— Supreme Court of Victoria (Australia) (@SCVSupremeCourt)
3:33 AM • Oct 25, 2024
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