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  • Gageler CJ to hear NZYQ related applications

Gageler CJ to hear NZYQ related applications

Today Gageler CJ will hear applications for removal to the High Court of two NZYQ related cases

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  • Today Gageler CJ will hear applications for removal to the High Court of two NZYQ related cases - see court list here.

    • Background here - NZYQ cases sent to High Court [The Australian paywall]

      The Albanese government has sought to quash a wave of legal challenges in the wake of the NZYQ ruling by elevating two cases to the High Court.

  • $30m a year: how US lawyers are shaking up London’s ‘magic circle’ [AFR paywall]

    On the coat-tails of a private equity boom, American partnerships are bringing a long-hours, high-pay culture to the City. It’s not for the faint-hearted.


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