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  • New HCA case stemming from NZYQ

New HCA case stemming from NZYQ

YBFZ is the latest refugee to challenge post NZYQ visa conditions, Zachary Rolfe provided immunity certificate, Palmer claims victory in vaccine mandate case

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  • Sharif v Vitruvian Investments Pty Ltd (No 5) [2024] FCA 134

    • [65] “Some of the legal practitioners who undertook work for Mr Sharif were not on the Register of Practitioners kept by the High Court of Australia at the time of undertaking the work. It is submitted by the Vitruvian Defendants that, in consequence, costs for work done by those legal practitioners can only be claimed at the rate applicable for work done by graduates or clerks. They rely upon the reasoning of O'Callaghan J in Jadwan Pty Ltd v Rae & Partners (A Firm) (No 7) [2022] FCA 1174 at [27]-[37] where his Honour concluded that: 'The fees "which are" the subject of a taxation certificate from a taxing officer must be payable to a practitioner whose name appears on the Register of Practitioners kept by the High Court of Australia pursuant to s 55C of the Judiciary Act'.”



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