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  • SA Bar Association hits back at CJ

SA Bar Association hits back at CJ

The South Australian bar association has issued a statement in response to comments made by SA Chief Justice Chris Kourakis

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  • SA Bar Notes - Public Statement

    “I issue this public statement on behalf of the South Australian Bar Association (“the Association”) pursuant to a unanimous resolution of the Bar Council of Wednesday 19 June 2024.

    We are deeply concerned about the comments and statements made by the Honourable Chief Justice Kourakis on 7 May 2024 on 5AA, and on 8 May 2024 on the ABC, and reported in the Advertiser on several occasions.

    It is fundamentally incorrect to say, as His Honour did on 5AA radio on 7 May 2024, that persons who exercise the choice to request that they be appointed King’s Counsel, do so for the personal exploitation of an Office bestowed in the public interest.

    We asked His Honour to publicly retract the comments made. His Honour declined to do so.”

  • The latest edition of the Victorian Bar News can be found here.

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