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- Special leave hearing for $894m tax case
Special leave hearing for $894m tax case
High Court to hear special leave application in Singapore Telecom Australia Investments Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2024] FCAFC 29, Anne Twomey discusses Lidia Thorpe oath issue, KWM sues former COO

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Daily wrap
Today the High Court is hearing an application for special leave to appeal in a case concerning $894m of tax deductions - High Court of Australia, Friday, 25 October 2024.
Might be live streamed here - SLA Live Streaming - High Court of Australia.
Here is the decision being appealed - Singapore Telecom Australia Investments Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2024] FCAFC 29 (8 March 2024)
Coles and Woolworths fight consumer watchdog over alleged misleading pricing campaigns - ABC News
Three men found guilty and fined for performing Nazi salute outside Sydney Jewish museum - ABC News
Former NSW MP Rory Amon charged with historic child sex offences in Sydney | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
Protesters sue police over alleged assaults during Melbourne trans-rights rally - ABC News
KWM sues former global chief operating officer [AFR paywall]
King & Wood Mallesons is suing a former member of its international management committee for debt relating to loans worth more than $1 million.
Editor’s picks
Is Lidia Thorpe's Senate seat at risk? Here's everything you need to know | SBS News
Lidia's Oath - Swearing at or to the King - Anne Twomey - YouTube
This video deals with a storm in a teacup about whether the parliamentary oath of allegiance of an Australian Senator, Lidia Thorpe, was valid or has since been repudiated, because of the mispronunciation of 'heirs' and her subsequent rejection of the King as Sovereign.
It contrasts the position in Australia, where the oath is an internal parliamentary matter which is probably non-justiciable, with the United Kingdom, where there are legal consequences that arise from sitting if the Member has not made and subscribed the required oath.
It considers some UK precedents from the nineteenth century affecting MPs who were Jewish or atheists. There are, however, no Australian precedents of which I'm aware.
Ashurst, Freehills, Clayton Utz in hiring spree [AFR paywall]
Top-tier law firms are looking to capitalise on the weakness of the big four, opportunities in the energy sector and the high levels of insolvencies.
Rich Lister Christian Beck cleans house (again) at Leap Legal [AFR paywall]
Beck’s latest C-suite cull comes eight months after he made some 60 Leap Legal employees redundant as part of a major restructuring effort at the legal software group.
Should non-compete clauses be banned in Australia? - Law Society Journal
Relevance, Probative Value, and Admissibility in the Criminal Trial: Atomism, Holism, and Incoherence in the High Court - David Hamer - UNSW Law Journal
A Comparative Analysis of Litigation Funding in Insolvency Claims and in Class Actions - Michael Duffy and Sulette Lombard - UNSW Law Journal
Alien or Australian? The Involuntary Deprivation of Citizenship for Repudiation of Allegiance to Australia under Section 51(xxix) of the Constitution - Ashwini Ravindran - UNSW Law Journal
Everyone else probably know,s but I only just realised that the National Archive has quite a few digitised versions of @HighCourtofAus files freely available online: recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetriev…
(Click on 'digital records'. . There are around 270 of 4000 files digitised.)
— Jeremy Gans (@jeremy_gans)
12:36 AM • Oct 24, 2024
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